
Surya Pahar

Surya Pahar

an Archaeologist’s Gold Mine. Located 12 km from the Goalpara district, Surya Pahar is one of the lesser-known historical places in Assam that you must visit.

As per the name, Surya Pahar which means Hill of the Sun, it is said that this place was connected with the cult of sun worship. What do you think? Also, the things found at this site have been put on display at a local museum.

Locals say that this historical place in Assam has 99,999 Shiva Lingas. Can you believe it? They also believe that this is one of the hidden historical places of Assam that has many stories, mysteries, and treasures buried in it.

This place holds major historical as well as religious significance for Hindus, Buddhists, and Jains. Surya Pahar is even listed among the most important heritage sites of the ancient remains in Assam.


It is believed that The Great Sage Vyasa himself laid the foundations for Surya Prahar modeling it on Kashi with 99,999 Shiv Lingams dotted across the mountain face and it was a thriving civilization and a major trading city long ago with maritime trade routes through the mighty Brahmaputra. Being an amalgamation of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, it enjoyed great status. Some historians even believe that Sri Suraya Pahar was the ancient seat of the Pragjyotish Kingdom and not Guwahati.
Many Hindu rock carvings have been discovered in this place along with some rock-cut antiques, 25 stupas, and the deities belonging to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. These are kept at a museum in Surya Prahar. Jainism didn't have a strong foothold anywhere in the North-East except for its presence in Suraya Pahar, which hence, is of great significance. 25 stupas in the eastern periphery are proof of the presence of Buddhism.

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